Monday, 8 February 2010

Lisa Eldridge - UK celebrity makeup artist and the MUA behind Boots No7

I've just discovered a relatively new beauty channel from the UK makeup artist Lisa Eldridge. She's the woman behind the remaking of No7 line from Boots, and since she's been involved with them I think No7 has definitely improved and become more appealing.

Here's her channel:

I've been loving catching up on her YT videos, and the most recent her skincare ones as I've enjoyed finding out what she uses! She uses quite a bit - a true cosmetic junkie at heart!

The one thing that I really like about her channel - is her manner and the way she talks about makeup and skincare - crossing both her own personal opinion and use of makeup/cosmetics as well as her professional opinion of the products she uses in the fashion and beauty industry.

I can't wait to see how she develops her channel, as she gains popularity and more subscribers, as I am very sure she will.

Here's her website too:

Seriously, check her out.


  1. Checked her out. Wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing!:)

  2. Awesome Post. everyone must read it out. Thanks a lot for sharing with us. Cosmetics Products helps to look younger.
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