My hols is coming to an end (boohoo) but wanted to share some pix from my short trip to Beijing. I had a really good time - mainly because it was very nice to be with my parents. I like to be a bit silly with them - cos my family is quite serious (can't you tell from those of you who have seen my YT vids? lol) so I like to lighten the mood and bring a litte laughter in.
Beijing has obviously moved on so much from the last time I was there, about 20 yrs ago! I loved visiting the Great Wall and the workout up there! As well as the Forbidden City (need to watch the First Emperor film again) and the food of course! Went to Din Tai Fung (a Taiwanese restaurant but famous for dumplings) and of course had Peking Duck (roasted duck wrapped in pancakes with sauce - kinda like Crispy Aromatic Duck in the UK).
So just to share some pix:
One the way up to the Great Wall
I see it! puff, puff, cough, cough
Quick gotta take a pic
More WOW!!
The trip down the mountain on a cable car
Checking out the history in Time Out (I totally rate Time Out City guides)
Chairman Mao greets you on entry to the Forbidden City (on Tianamen Square)
....and in the Forbidden City = so much history....
This is what I think of when I think of the Forbbidden City - long routes with high red walls a la First Emperor
Ballet flats before they were ballet flats....Chinese style - anyone?
....ok, how bout some chopsticks?
Din Tai Fung - how and where dumplings are made
And finally, of course I have done quite a bit of makeup shopping in HK - the highs are probably that I found a fantastic small cake eyeliner brush from the Bonjour cosmetics shop (like Sa Sa) that I use with my LM e/l and the MUFE aqua cream e/s and getting to restock on Sofina Lucent SPF 50. The low is that my all time fave and HG pale pink lipstick PK347 from Shiseido Maquillage has been discontinued....boohoo!
Anyhow - hope you all have been well and I'll be back to the regular schedule when I get back to the UK!
Looks lovely, hope I get to go at some point! :)